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- -=By William Cooper=-
- MAJESTIC TWELVE is an advisory team of scientists who's only purpose is
- to evaluate information and make recomendations. This team exists as a
- scattered bunch of men who do not meet regularly as a group. The
- information gathered by the control group MAJI is released to MAJESTIC
- TWELVE when study is needed. MAJESTIC TWELVE has never been given the
- total control of information and interface with the aliens in dealings
- with the United States Government.
- Some of the documents released by Moore were changed from the original
- with the deliberate intent to mislead UFO researchers. I do not know
- who is responsible but I believe that the Government is behind the whole
- thing. The rest of the documents are deliberate frauds. I am releasing
- the truth which I have obtained from excellent sources within the
- intelligence community in order to set the record straight.
- MAJI is the sole agency in control and responsible for every past and
- present consequence of contact with the alien presence. MAJIC is the
- security classification of all projects and information connected with
- the aliens, their craft, their bases, and dealings with the United
- States Government. MAJIC means MAJI CONTROLED. MAJIC is the highest
- security classification in the nation.
- The name of the overall project is GRUDGE and always has been. GRUDGE
- is the proword for AQUARIUS and a few other projects as you will see
- when you read the rest of this file.
- The AQUARIUS document released by Moore which he claims was given to him
- by Mr. Graham was changed and I am including a reconstructed document as
- it was presented to me by one of my sources. I am also including all
- the information (in short form) that I presently have regarding the U.S.
- Government and the Aliens. This information has been reviewed by 3
- different people who know the information but do not know each other and
- they have made some corrections to the document. If the information
- deviates somewhat from information that I have previously released it is
- due to those corrections. My previous information was from memory of
- documents seen over 16 years ago and I am pleased that my memory has
- withstood the rigors of time quite well. In case you doubt that I had
- the information previous to this release you may check with Stan
- Friedman, Tom Mickus, Don Ecker, John Lear, and Bryon Smith as I had
- given the information to them some time ago.
- Any document you see where I stated that MAJESTIC TWELVE was the control
- group was a test of Moore et al and was never to be posted or released
- publicly. The public posting of those documents was done by Jim Spieser
- against my wishes. He was told that the information was mixed as a test
- but he posted them anyway. They contain true and false information and
- should be ignored. The information contained in this file is true and
- correct to the best of my knowledge and to the knowledge of my sources.
- This is the only file regarding the Government and the aliens that i can
- honestly say is the true information in whole as i know it. It is
- backed by the John Lear Hypothesis, Paul Bennewicz' information, William
- Stienman's information, the Fenwick interview, and other bits of
- information which is in the hands of UFOLOGISTS. The test of time will
- prove this information to be true and correct.
- I have many documents and letters to back up this information much of
- which I have already released and much of which is the product of your
- own research. John Lear has in his possession many letters and
- documents which will also back up this file. William Stienman is
- another. I would also direct you to Don Ecker's SPOOK.DOC, and to bits
- of Moore's information (fraudulent though it may be it does contain some
- truth). The Fenwick interview is another source of information, along
- with the FEDEX files on Paranet Alpha. The Bill English file is another
- excellent source as he really did read the GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT
- NO.13. The letter from the man who participated in Project PLUTO is
- right on the money although he mistook the term PLUTO/POUNCE as being
- project PLUTO that he worked on. He was a part of POUNCE which comes
- under Project PLUTO thus PLUTO/POUNCE. The first word is always the
- Proword and parent project while the second word is the project itself.
- Another FEDEX file contains the account of a man who worked at AREA 51
- in Nevada and stumbled upon Project REDLIGHT. The correct name is
- GRUDGE/REDLIGHT. Put ALL your information together from ALL your
- different files you will see that this information is all there for you
- to see and verify from different sources who neither know each other or
- even know about each other in most instances. It is all there and all
- you need to do is put it together. I must admit that I had a much
- easier time of it having seen the information and having excellent
- sources. I knew what to look for, but at least I looked.
- William Moore must know much more than he lets on. He has to know
- something other than the phony information that he has released or he
- would not go to such pains to alter the information (by his own
- admission). I cannot believe that he has been so completely duped after
- having read "THE ROSWELL INCIDENT".
- (Graphic of finned rocket enclosed in circle bisected
- vertically by dashes.)
- (Graphic of world in circle.)
- (TS/ORCON) (PROWORD): GRUDGE Contains 16 volumes of documented
- information collected from the beginning of the United States'
- investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Identified Alien
- Crafts (IAC). The Project was originally established in 1953, by order
- of President Eisenhower, under control of CIA and MAJI. In 1960, the
- Project's name was changed from Project SIGN to Project Aquarius. The
- Project was funded by CIA confidential funds (non-appropriated). The
- Project assumed full responsibility for investigation and intelligence
- of UFOs/IACs December 1969 after Project Grudge/Blue Book was closed.
- The purpose of Project Aquarius was to collect all scientific,
- technological, medical and intelligence information from UFO/IAC
- sightings and contacts with alien life forms. This orderly file of
- collected information has been used to advance the United States' Space
- Program.
- (TS/ORCON) The preceeding briefing is an historical account of the
- United States Government's investigation of Aerial Phenomenas, Recovered
- Alien Aircraft, and contacts with extra-terrestrial Life Forms.
- Originally established as part of Project SIGN in 1954. Its mission was
- to establish diplomatic relations with Aliens. This Project was
- successful when mutually acceptable terms were agreed upon. These terms
- involved the exchange of technology for secrecy of Alien presence and
- non interference in Alien affairs. Aliens agreed to provide MAJI with a
- list of human contacts on a periodic basis. This Project is continuing
- at a site in New Mexico.
- Originally established as part of Project SIGN in 1954. Became a
- separate project in 1976. Its mission was to establish communication
- with Aliens. This Project met with positive success (sic) when in 1959,
- the United States established primative communications with the Aliens.
- On April 25, 1964, a USAF intelligence officer met with Aliens at
- Holloman AFB, New Mexico. The contact lasted for approximately three
- hours. After several attempted methods of communicating the
- intelligence officer managed to exchange basic information with the
- Aliens (Atch 7). This Project is continuing at a site in New Mexico.
- Originally established in 1954. Its mission was to test fly a recovered
- Alien aircraft. First attempts resulted in destruction of the craft and
- death of the pilot. This Project was resumed in 1972. This Project is
- continuing in Nevada.
- Originally established in 1954. Its mission was to develop, using
- conventional technology, and fly a flying saucer type craft for the
- public. This Project was successful when a craft was built and flown in
- front of the press. This Project was used to explain UFO sightings and
- to divert public attention from Project REDLIGHT.
- MAJESTY: The Proword for MAJI. The Proword for MAJESTIC TWELVE. The
- Proword for GRUDGE. MAJESTY is the only word on the cover sheet of the
- AQUARIUS document. It is plain that the executive decision makers are
- MAJESTY. MAJESTY is the name of all the efforts combined. On the
- executive level MAJESTY is everything to do with the aliens and
- everything connected with them. The way intelligence and TOP SECRET
- information is protected accounts for the previous confusion regarding
- the control of this subject. Everything under MAJESTY is broken down
- into compartments and difficult to trace to a higher authority. ALL
- information of important nature of any kind is handled in this manner
- and is designed to confuse those who would attempt to uncover the
- secret. MAJESTY is the word you all have been looking for that ties it
- all together.
- project control group responsible for every aspect of interface with the
- alien life forms including security and intelligence, and disinformation
- to prevent public or foreign disclosure of the alien presence. MAJI is
- responsible only to the President. (This is why all documents referring
- to "MAJESTIC" or any other form of that name are wrong.) MAJI is ongoing
- in Washington DC.
- MAJESTIC TWELVE: A selected team of experts in many different fields who
- evaluate information, technology, biology and other facets of the alien
- presence in order to better understand the phenomenon. MAJESTIC TWELVE
- makes recommendations and presents scientific dirrection when needed.
- MAJESTIC TWELVE does not know all the information and does not meet as a
- group. Members are given information on a need to know basis only.
- Biologists, for example, are not given information regarding any other
- subject.
- MAJIC: Security classification of all MAJI and AQUARIUS information.
- MAJIC means "MAJI CONTROLLED". MAJIC is the highest security
- classification in the nation.
- MJ-1: DIRECTOR OF MAJI. The Director of the CIA is usually MJ-1 and
- reports only to the President. (other members of MAJI are designated
- MJ-2, MJ-3, MJ-4, etc. This is why MJ-12 cannot be used as a name for
- the control group as it would cause confusion in meaning, i.e. (is it
- referring to MJ-12 the person or MJ-12 the group.) Any reference to
- MJ-12 is to a person and nothing else. (This is why any document
- reffering to "MJ-12" as a "group" is wrong.) BLUE TEAM: The first
- project responsible for reaction/recovery of downed/crashed alien craft
- and/or aliens. This was an air force material command project.
- SIGN: The second project responsible for collection of intelligence and
- determining whether alien presence constituted a threat to the national
- security. SIGN ABSORBED BLUE TEAM. This was an air force/CIA project.
- GRUDGE: The overall project with the same mission as SIGN. GRUDGE
- absorbed SIGN. GRUDGE is the proword for AQUARIUS.
- AQUARIUS: The third and final project. AQUARIUS absorbed all previous
- projects. Funded by CIA confidential non appropriated funds. The
- purpose of project AQUARIUS is to collect all scientific, technological,
- medical and intelligence information from UFO/IAC sightings and contacts
- with alien life forms. This project is ongoing. This project began as
- an Air Force project under SIGN but was taken over by NSA. All projects
- connected with the aliens are now intelligence community controlled.
- SIGMA: SIGMA was tasked with communicating with the aliens. This
- operation was successful.
- PLATO: PLATO was established to form diplomatic relations with the alien
- life forms. This project was successful. This project is ongoing.
- POUNCE: This project was formed to recover all downed/crashed craft and
- aliens. This project provided cover stories/operations to mask true
- endeavor when neccessary. Covers which have been used: Crashed
- experimental aircraft, Construction, Mining, etc. This project has been
- successful. This project is ongoing.
- PLUTO: Established to evaluate all UFO/IAC information pertaining to
- space technology. This project is ongoing. PLUTO is the proword for
- REDLIGHT: Mission was to test fly recovered alien craft this project was
- postponed after every attempt resulted in destruction of the craft and
- death of the pilots. This project was carried out at AREA 51 in Nevada
- (Groom Lake), and some flights were performed at DREAMLAND. PROJECT
- REDLIGHT was resumed in 1972. This project has been partially
- successful. UFO sightings of craft accompanied by black helicoptors are
- PROJECT REDLIGHT assets. This project is ongoing at AREA 51 in Nevada.
- SNOWBIRD: Established as a cover for PROJECT REDLIGHT. A flying saucer
- "Type" craft was built using conventional technology. It was unvieled
- to the press and flown in public on several occassions. The purpose was
- to explain accidental sightings or disclosures of REDLIGHT as having
- been the SNOWBIRD craft. This was a very successful disinformation
- operation. This Project is only activated when needed. It has not been
- used for many years. This project is currently in mothballs until needed
- again. LUNA: Code name for the alien underground base. The base is
- alien controlled and DELTA/ALIEN protected. LUNA is ongoing in New
- Mexico. Alien detachments exist at DREAMLAND and at AREA 51.
- FAR SIDE OF THE MOON: An alien base on the dark side of the moon where
- large machines were sighted by the Apollo Astronauts. It is believed to
- be a mining operation.
- NRO: NATIONAL RECON ORGANIZATION. Based at Fort Carson, Colorado.
- Responsible for security for all alien or alien craft connected
- projects. use unmarked black helicoptors. For all alien or alien craft
- connected ongoing.
- DELTA: Security teams from NRO especially trained to provide alien
- tasked projects/LUNA security. (men in black) This project is ongoing.
- GABRIEL: This project was tasked with developing a low frequency pulsed
- sound generator. It was determined that the alien weapons and craft
- would be vulnerable to this weapon. It is questionable whether this
- project exists today. It was derived from technology captured from
- Germany during and after World War 2. My contacts have verified its
- previous existance but cannot verify whether it is ongoing or has been
- terminated.
- EXCALIBUR: Established to develop a weapon which would destroy the alien
- underground base and any future underground bases which the aliens might
- construct. It is to be a missile capable of penetrating 1000 meters of
- Tufa/hard packed soil such as that found in New Mexico with no
- operational damage. Missile appogee not to exceed 30,000 feet AGL
- impact must not deviate in excess of 50 meters from designated target.
- Device will carry a 1 Megaton Nuclear warhead. This project is ongoing
- at WX division, Lanl, Los Alamos, New Mexico, and is still in
- development.
- ALIEN CRAFT: These are flying craft which use gravity and electro
- magnetic fields to fly. I really did not understand the principle but
- somehow gravity can become electro-magnetic energy and that is the only
- way that i know to explain it. The craft has an atomic reactor on board
- about the size of a football. The craft can "cloak". The way i
- understood it is that it bends light rays (and can do the same with
- radar) so that you look at the craft and see only what is behind it.
- They can do this when they do not want to be seen. A lot of the
- technology of our stealth bomber came out of this. A lot of the
- information regarding the alien craft that i saw had a lot to do with
- Einstiens theory of relativity. There was a lot of information
- regarding space/time "folds". My education was not even in this
- ballpark so i really can't tell you much but I learned that their craft
- are not all that stable in air (thats why so many crash) but are still
- able to do things that we have only dreamed of. They can travel through
- space across/through a "fold" in a very short time.
- ALF: ALF is the abreviation for "ALIEN LIFE FORM". This is the only
- term that i have seen used to describe the aliens. The alien life forms
- are "Malevolent" (dangerous). They require blood and other biological
- fluids to survive. They do like ice cream (no joke) but they cannot
- live on it. They abduct humans and animals to procure these fluids.
- The alien life forms abduct humans and implant a very small
- device/devices in or near the human brain which gives them total control
- over that human. The implants are very difficult to detect but can be
- detected. The documents stated that all attempts to remove the implants
- have resulted in the death of the patient (1972). They perform surgical
- operations on humans. They collect sperm/ova and other biological
- samples from humans. The purpose of this has yet to be determined.
- These abductions are ongoing. A list of abductees is provided by the
- aliens to MAJI on a periodic basis. The alien also claim to have played
- a very significant part in the worlds religious history and have
- provided MAJI with supporting evidence.
- UFO/IAC: UFO is unidentified flying object and can be anything
- unidentified but usually refers to suspected alien craft. IAC is
- identified alien craft.
- BLUE BOOK: This was an air force UFO/alien intelligence collection and
- disinformation project. This project was terminated and its collected
- information and duties were absorbed by PROJECT AQUARIUS. Classified
- report named "GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13" is the only significant
- information derived from the project and is unavailable to the public.
- (from what I read from Bill English it seems that he really saw this
- report as he describes the same information That i saw in "GRUDGE/BLUE
- I have information now (its about time) that the existance of Project
- GABRIEL has been confirmed. The weapon was developed and assembled at
- Ling Tempco Vought in Anahiem California. It was described to me as
- being able to totally level ANY man made structure from a distance of 2
- miles. It was tested at White Sands Proving grounds. It was developed
- between 1975 and 1978. It is a long horn shaped device connected to a
- computer and amplifiers.
- I have also confirmed the existance of an alien craft at a hanger at
- Edwards AFB. The hanger is at North Base. It has been guarded by NON
- Edwards personnel (NRO - DELTA). The guards had a badge that was red
- with a black triangle on the face of the badge. No one was allowed near
- the hanger without the badge. These people are no longer guarding the
- hanger. The Edwards security force are instructed to check the hanger
- each hour and report status. The hanger is locked and no one is allowed
- inside. Edwards security personnel have been instructed never to enter
- the hanger even if it has been broken into. I have also confirmed the
- esistance of alien material at a hanger designated HANGER 1051 at
- Edwards AFB.
- ---------------/\---------------
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- This is the insignia that is on the alien craft. It is called a
- TRILATERAL insignia. I do not know what it means. It is in GRUDGE/BLUE
- BOOK REPORT NO. 13 and my sources confirm that this is the alien flag so
- to speak.
- The typical MALEVOLENT (ALF) as represented thus far can be described as
- follows:
- 1. Between 3 to 5 ft. in height.
- 2. Erect standing biped. Long thin legs.
- 3. Small build (thin).
- 4. Head larger than normal (to human proportions).
- 5. Absence of auditory lobes (external earlobes).
- 6. Absence of body hair.
- 7. Large, tear shaped eyes, opacque black with veretical slit pupils
- (cats eye).
- 8. Eyes slanted approx 35 degrees
- 9. Small straight mouth, thin lips.
- 10. Arms resemble praying mantis (normal attitude). Arms reach to knees
- (extended).
- 11. Long hands (small palm)
- 12. Claw like fingers, two short, two long. (webbed)
- 13. Tough, gray skin, reptile like in texture.
- 14. Small feet, 4 small claw like toes.
- 15. Some Organs are similar to humans but developed in a different
- evolutionary process.
- 16. The most significant finding is that they have a Nonfunctioning
- digestive system and two separate brains. Digestive system in those
- examined were atrophied. Conforms to absence of provisions in
- recovered craft. (Prelininary finding)
- 17. Movement is deliberate, slow, precise.
- 18. (Secondary finding after study) Alien subsistance requires that
- they must have human blood and other human biological substances to
- survive. In extreme circumstances they can subsist on other animal
- fluids. Food is converted to energy by chlorophyl through
- photosynthesis and waste products are excreted through skin. (Did
- they evolve from plant life? Not known at this time.) These
- creatures possess two separate brains separated by mid cranial
- lateral bone partition (anterior brain - posterior brain) with no
- apparent connection between the two.
- GUEST: Alien life form held prisoner in an area known as the ICE CAVE at
- Los Alamos, New Mexico. There were originally 16 captive aliens held at
- this location. 15 have died. The alien "guests" furnished extensive
- information on the aliens and their history which is known as the
- "yellow book". These "guests" were indeed fed ice cream and liked
- strawberry above all other flavors. These aliens were held in exchange
- for 16 humans who became "guests" of the aliens no information regarding
- the human "guests" is available from any source. The "guests" enjoy
- music of a far eastern nature and especially enjoy music which
- originates from Tibet. They possess an extremely high IQ which is in the
- 200 range. They have a tendency to lie.
- RELIGION: The aliens claim that man is a hybrid created by them. They
- claim that all religion was created by them to hasten the formation of a
- civilized culture and to control the human race. They claim that Jesus
- was a product of their efforts. The aliens have furnished proof of
- these claims and have a device that allows them to show audibly and
- visually any part of history that they or we wish to see. They claim
- that O- blood is the proof of hybridization and our own science tends to
- bear out their claim. My sources are terrified of revealing the cave's
- location. I do not know why they are so afraid of revealing this
- information. I do not want anyone to go near the place because they may
- be subject to injury.
- I know that the main base is in New Mexico. There are may be two small
- alien detachments. One at DREAMLAND and one at AREA 51. Both of these
- locations are used to test fly alien craft. The main location for test
- flights is at AREA 51. The aliens are helping us with the flights and
- with the craft technology and there is at least a small detachment at
- those locations
- EXCALIBUR is being developed to penetrate ground such as that found in
- New Mexico. Paul Bennewicz swore that the base is in New Mexico. John
- Lear's sources state that the base is in New Mexico. My sources
- originally told me that the base was in New Mexico. The information
- that I read with my own eyes stated that the base is in New Mexico. My
- sources panicked when I told them that I was posting the information on
- a public forum. Because I do not wish anyone to be injured while trying
- to "get a look" I will not reveal the exact location except that it is
- located in the state of New Mexico.
- end